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At RPCNS, we offer  a variety of enrichment activities that compliment the school's excellent curriculum.  These activities occur regularly and are included in every child's tuition or activity fee.


One of the programs we are particularly proud of at RPCNS is our music program. Each week all students attend 30 minutes of music taught by Ms. Regina. Ms. Regina uses her keyboard and lots of fun props to bring music alive. Children learn to hear in new ways by singing, playing, and listening with their teacher. Incorporating musical instruments and movement games makes these classes fun and engaging.

Language & Cultural Enrichment

Another part of our program that helps round out the children's experience is our cultural and language enrichment. Our three and four-year-old classes will be given the opportunity to explore the varied cultures resprented in our school and in the greater DC area. Once per month, our parents will share language, dress, music, food and other aspects of their cultures with the children. A different culture will be explored each month.


The children in the threes and fours classes have a science enrichment class once a month. The children learn the science behind a wide range of topics, from the weather to bugs to how fish swim. Instruction is presented in a hands-on manner. The children participate in experiments and have the opportunity to really experience the science they are being presented. These classes are taught by a parent volunteer with a Science or Education background.

Community Service

At RPCNS, we believe that teaching our children to be good stewards of our community is a part of our jobs as parents and educators.  RPCNS families lead by example in completing an array of community service projects throughout the year, such as food drives and the Trike a Thon for St. Jude's Hospital. Community service projects may vary year to year based on the input and interest of the current members.  These activities are coordinated by a parent volunteer.

Field Trips

At RPCNS we pride ourselves on showing the kids that what they are learning in school is part of the world around them. One of the ways we do that is through our field trips. From pumpkin picking to nature center programs to the Montgomery County Recycling Center, the children see first-hand how their knowledge and actions affect their world. Most parents accompany their children on the trips, encouraging further discussion about what they experienced long after the trip is done.

Each age group has different trips, with the twos going on two off-premise trips, the threes attending three or four outings and the fours doing even more. In addition, we have a couple in-house field trips each year. During these events, outside groups, such as the Baltimore Aquarium, bring the learning to us.


RPCNS has a well-stocked library that is open to the entire school. Parents are encouraged to check out books to take home for their children. Individual classes will, from time to time, visit the library to read about specific holidays or special events. In additon, we have a selection of parent resource books the adults may check out. Our school Librarian is a parent volunteer.


We love to celebrate together with our children at RPCNS. Celebrations are held for Thanksgiving, Winter Holidays, Chinese New Year, and Valentine's Day, just to name a few. At the end of the year we celebrate our kids' achievements with a graduation for the Fours and an end of year picnic and Trike A Thon for the entire school. These celebrations are a fun way for our community to come together and create special memories.

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